Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Julie Morstad is the Bees Knees

After a little over a year, I am thrilled to see that Julie Morstad's Alphabet cards (whom I am sure everyone I know has heard me rave about), are HERE!!!! Julie is an artist that is represented by the gallery I managed (Atelier Gallery), and is definitely one of my favourites-before I even started working there to be honest.... Last year we had an exhibition of the series (original drawings) and the entire set sold. Wowsa. I wanted to buy 'H', but ahhh, what can you do. Each card features a unique illustration to accompany the letter: 'L' is a rabbit writing a letter, 'I' is for ice fishing...clever girl.

Snap a set up here.

1 comment:

Heather Maxwell Hall said...

she is! i ordered this on your recommendation and just got it yesterday. it's beautiful.